SHOWCASE of Social Furniture

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Viola Scopigli

Virginia Lama

TurnS is a seat with double function, consisting of a very simple and functional line. It is environmentally friendly thanks to the reuse of plastic waste, it can be produced with a large format 3D printer using recyclable plastic like PET that is a fully recyclable material: each PET bottle, for example, can be reborn into a new material and transformed through specific processes into many new objects. 


It is a monoblock that changes function by turning it. It adapts to all types of environments, both indoor and outdoor, it can be sold for use in public or private spaces, like playgrounds, schools, offices, museums, becoming a sitting area for conversations’ areas or a small office. We took inspiration from the armchair "Vis a Vis" by Paola Navone produced by Casamilano that was designed for an intimate conversation, is a very welcoming seat, so we started to think about what we could do to create something innovative, that would have more functions to be able to interact with our users and to approach them socially, giving an added value to what has been done before us, look at things differently and through a future prospective. 


Our project would be a valuable investment because it is produced with recyclable materials and is recyclable in turn. Thanks to 3d printing it is light so it can be moved and turned by everyone, resistant and durable without costs of maintenance and it can be easily produced in industrial scale so you could market many pieces.

Companies currently have a linear approach to production: they produce, people use, and then they throw away. The design approach that we need to take is to create something that is sustainable, resistant and durable, we should redesign a lot of things in our world to have a very low environmental impact.


To ensure easy use of things, simple but functional, we need to enclose multiple functions in one object so as to ensure less impact on the actual production of everything we need. Industries have to make a radical change in the production, not just in a part of it but they have to use recycled materials at 100%. In conclusion products should no longer have a life cycle with beginning, middle and end. Circular design helps to reduce waste generation, as when materials stop being used, they return to a useful cycle. 
Viola Scopigli and Virginia Lama